Triumph Software is a Norwegian Amiga group which has been producing quality utilities, demos, intros and animations for at least 10 years.

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For the latest information on Triumph, go to the Latest News page. Nearly all our productions are listed on our Productions page. For information on our members and how to contact them, go to The Team page.

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...a group of young, inspired people who in time released a debutant demonstration called Juicy under the banner : Pixar. A very modest demonstration, however it included the musts of that time....: A nice picture of two hands holding a passion fruit (hence the title..), a scroller which jumps up and down. (Oh, nostalgia take me away...:-)


...and Pixar encounters the fine society of The Band, a group mainly consisting of people from the Netherlands and a few people from Norway. This encounter resulted in the fine products Candybar and MegaMaid a couple of demonstrations with nice audio and visuals. These were the only co-productions between the two.
Time passed and Pixar left the Band and joined members of the Mafia. They felt that their group should be consentrated around friends mostly within the borders of Norway. The Mafia dies within short time....

TRIUMPH... born a well educated infant late 1989. Under the new banner they release their first product called Music Collection #1, and shortly after, the nice Leppedykker Demo. Then ca. 1990, the following people were admitted to Triumph: Carl Smeagol Aaby, Nils Corneliusen, Olav Warp Kalgraf (later quit the scene) and Kim Quest Berg (now known as Cobolt 69).


...we consist of 9 fine fellows, with �yvind Falch (originally Pixar) and Mats Hansen (originally the Mafia) as the only two remaining from the original line-up.


...and we are one of the pioneer Amiga groups in Norway, and we are still producing at our own pace, using the Amiga as our tool in the production of fine quality art.


We have been to nearly every major Amiga and Computer party in Norway and we are still winning prizes for our great products.


Triumph consists mainly of programmers, but we also have one musician and two excellent graphic artists / designers.


We are in the making of a new demo for the Gathering '98. Cobolt is always producing new music (in his own (bit faster than the rest) pace).